*** GLOSSARY *** This glossary contains short explanations of terms used throughout manuals. If you are familiar with these ones, you might want to skip it. ATTRIBUTE when volume is formatted using NTFS, all properties of files are stored as "File Attributes". Even the contents of file are stored as a special attribute ($DATA). This allows file system to treat all objects in uniform manner. BOOT SECTOR (BOOT RECORD) system record in the beginning of a volume containing startup loader program and some important disk information, e.g. FAT size and number of sectors per cluster. CLUSTER is a least possible allocation unit the operating system uses. It usually consists of several disk sectors. CLUSTER FACTOR (CF) number of 512-byte sectors per cluster. CF is always a power of two, i.e. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ..., 128 DIRECTORY is a system record storing the information about particular file on disk. Most significant examples include file name, file size and first cluster of the file DISK is a physical device attached to the system (e.g. "Quantum Fireball CR4.3"), DISK IMAGE sector-by sector copy of either a physical disk or a volume stored in file. FAT (File Allocation Table) is a system area storing the information about where files are located and about free areas of disk. This data structure is of most importance when it comes to data recovery. Other system structures are either not required for recovery or can be reconstructed with minor effort, while FAT is necessary. Two copies of FAT are stored on disk in order to increase fault tolerance, so once one is damaged, another (backup) copy can be used instead. FILE RECORD SEGMENT (FRS) is a record in MFT on NTFS volume (see MFT). At least one FRS is stored in MFT for each file or directory on volume. INDEX (INDEX BLOCK) NTFS stores directory contents in a special format (sometimes called "b+ tree"). This allows faster directory searches and sorting. INDEX contains all b+ tree records for a particular directory, and INDEX BLOCK (being a part of index) contains part of the b+ tree structure. LONG FILE NAME (LFN) Windows 9x/ME/NT extension to a FAT filesystem, which allows creating file names exceeding MS-DOS "8.3" standard. MASTER FILE TABLE (MFT) is a most significant system structure on NTFS. It holds all records about files, file names and file contents. MFT is an array of FILE RECORD SEGMENTS, each of them describing an uniquie file or directory. MATCH FACTOR (M.F.) - see RELEVANCE PARTITION TABLE (MASTER BOOT SECTOR, MASTER BOOT RECORD, MBR) is a system record storing information about volume layout, i.e. what logical volumes are stored on a physical disk, about their locations and sizes. RELEVANCE characterizes the quality of some data (e.g. quality of the parameter set). It is usually computed as (FoundObjects/ExpectedObjects)*100%. Greater relevance values mean better quality. SECTOR is a minimum amount of data disk can address and/or transfer during a single operation. It is 512 bytes on PCs. VOLUME or PARTITION is a logical volume (e.g. "C:", "D:") on a physical DISK